Patanjali's Yoga Sutra's states that “perfect happiness is attained through contentment” and continues to define contentment as the inner state which "exists a joyful and satisfied mind regardless of one's environment, whether one meets with pleasure or pain, profit or loss, fame or contempt, success or failure, sympathy or hatred."
In Sanskrit, contentment is known as Santosha or Samtosa and is generally referred to as both an attitude and a state of deep inner peace.
As an attitude, it is the act of doing one's best and accepting the results, whatever they maybe. And, as a state of deep inner peace, it is contentment that synergistically works with other virtues such as Asteya (non-coveting, non-stealing), Aparigraha (non-hoarding, non-possessiveness) and Daya (compassion for others).
For many yogis, Santosha is a key element that can successfully guide a person towards self-realization.
When we cultivate gratitude, contentment flows naturally. It is easier to create a joyful state of inner peace. Studies show that people who practice gratitude live more enriched lives, experience healthier relationships, and are generally healthier and happier. There is no better time than the harvest season to cultivate and nourish a practice of gratitude.