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4 Ways To Naturally Regulate Emotions

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

If you struggle with balancing or controlling your emotions, developing a healthy emotional regulation toolkit can help. A common myth is that emotional regulation is difficult and requires lots and lots of therapy. But the truth is that there are ways to naturally respond to emotional setbacks. Here are 4 ways people have had success with naturally regulating their emotions.

#1 - Breath Awareness

Conscious breathing is a way to direct awareness to the breath. When feeling stressed or overwhelmed, diaphragmatic breathing with a focus of lengthening the exhales can signal the brain that survival mode is no longer needed. It allows the body to switch over to a rest and digest mode. Practice inhaling to a count of 4 or 5 and exhaling to a count of 6 or 7. Allow your abdomen to rise and fall with each inhalation and exhalation.

#2 - Perception

When we feel insecure, rejected or unworthy we tend to view the world unsafe. We see the gaps of our lives way easier than we see the good that surrounds us.

"The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body." - Bruce H Lipton

Tadasana, is an incredible yoga pose. It is a great posture to do when these feelings take flight. Allow yourself to stand tall with your feet hip width distance apart and your hands on your heart or hips. Create a powerful I AM affirmation and mentally repeat it 5-10 times as you breathe in and out. In through your nose and out through your nose or mouth. If you feel comfortable say your affirmation out loud. Allow the words to resonate throughout your mind and body. Just by changing your body language in the subtlest way can impact brain and raise your vibration.

#3 - Space

If you feel anxious or worried and can't seem to shake the feeling, walk in open space. Studies show that walking in open space can reduce amygdala activation and allow the brain to understand that you are not in immediate danger. It's a natural and resourceful way to move from fight or flight into a rest and digest response. Allow yourself to discover that local hotspot where you can walk freely and be one with nature.

#4 - Controlled Breathing

Breath of Fire or Kapalabhati is a breathing exercise used often in Kundalini Yoga. The inhalations are passive, and the exhalations are quick and active. This style of pranayama or controlled breathing is known to improve respiratory health, increase concentration and create a state of mindfulness. Studies show that a regular practice of Breath of Fire can help regulate the pituitary gland, stimulate energy and purify the lungs and nasal passages. This practice is helpful when you feel unmotivated, bored or lethargic and need a burst of energy to support you mentally and physically.

When all else fails...

Pause routinely throughout your day and ask yourself, how am I feeling? Check-in on your energy. Is it too high, too low or right where you need it to be? Taking just 5 minutes a day significantly impacts your health and wellness by providing you with the insight you need to move forward. It can also give you the opportunity to adjust your mind and body so you can relax and rejuvenate. #Rootinwellness


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